
Climate change . . .

. . . will be devastating.

All regions around the world will be affected. Polar ice shields and glaciers are melting, the sea level is rising and permafrost areas will set free trapped methane. Extreme weather events are becoming more common. The effect on water quality and availability of water will be extreme. Erosion, floodings, hurricans, fires and extreme temperatures accompanied by the extinction of wildlife will lead to loss of wealth, hunger and migration.


Maybe it is not too late to limit the temperature increase to 2 degrees.

We need the transformation to renewable energy generation and use of that renewable energy for electric mobility. Lithium ion batteries are the best solution for electric mobility (e.g. lightweight and high energy density) and the most versatile solution for stationary energy storage.

Electric Mobility


  • Simply fascinating.
  • Acceleration faster than any other ICE bike.
  • For real drivers, only (as I used to be).